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Infinispan 5.2

Server Command Line Options

Infinispan ships several server modules, some of which can be started via calling startServer.sh or startServer.bat scripts from command line. These currently include Hot Rod, Memcached and Web Socket servers. Please find below the set of common command line parameters that can be passed to these servers:

images/author/images/icons/emoticons/star_yellow.gif Note that starting with Infinispan 4.2.0.CR1, default Hot Rod port has changed from 11311 to 11222.

[g@eq]~/infinispan-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT% ./bin/startServer.sh -h
usage: startServer [options]

  -h, --help                         
        Show this help message

  -V, --version
        Show version information

        Stop processing options

  -p, --port=<num>                   
        TCP port number to listen on
        (default: 11211 for Memcached, 11222 for Hot Rod
        and 8181 for WebSocket server)

  -l, --host=<host or ip>
        Interface to listen on
        (default:, localhost)

  -m, --master_threads=<num>
        Number of threads accepting incoming connections
        (default: unlimited while resources are available)

  -t, --work_threads=<num>
        Number of threads processing incoming requests and sending responses
        (default: unlimited while resources are available)

  -c, --cache_config=<filename>
        Cache configuration file
        (default: creates cache with default values)

  -r, --protocol=[memcached|hotrod|websocket]
        Protocol to understand by the server.
        This is a mandatory option and you should choose one of these options          
  -i, --idle_timeout=<num>
        Idle read timeout, in seconds, used to detect stale connections
        (default: -1)
        If no new messages have been read within this time, 
        the server disconnects the channel.
        Passing -1 disables idle timeout.

  -n, --tcp_no_delay=[true|false]
        TCP no delay flag switch (default: true)
  -s, --send_buf_size=<num>
        Send buffer size (default: as defined by the OS).
  -e, --recv_buf_size=<num>
        Receive buffer size (default: as defined by the OS).
  -o, --proxy_host=<host or ip>
        Host address to expose in topology information sent to clients.
        If not present, it defaults to configured host.
        Servers that do not transmit topology information ignore this setting.

  -x, --proxy_port=<num>
        Port to expose in topology information sent to clients.
        If not present, it defaults to configured port.
        Servers that do not transmit topology information ignore this setting.
  -k, --topo_lock_timeout=<num>
        Controls lock timeout (in milliseconds) for those servers that maintain
        the topology information in an internal cache.
  -u, --topo_repl_timeout=<num>
        Sets the maximum replication time (in milliseconds) for transfer of 
        topology information between servers.
        If state transfer is enabled, this setting also controls the topology 
        cache state transfer timeout.
        If state transfer is disabled, it controls the amount of time to wait 
        for this topology data to be lazily loaded from a different node when 
        not present locally.

  -a, --topo_state_trasfer=[true|false]
        Enabling topology information state transfer means that when a server
        starts it retrieves this information from a different node.
        Otherwise, if set to false, the topology information is lazily loaded
        if not available locally.
        Set a system property

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 09:20:17 UTC, last content change 2013-07-08 14:21:21 UTC.